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Fitness Travels LLC wants knows the importance of staying healthy while traveling. Our team of health professionals and athletes are here to get you to your fitness goals AND your travel destination. 

Physical Therapist and Health Promotion Specialist

Thanks for visiting! I created this company to combine two things I love: wellness and travel. As a physical therapist, health promotion specialist and avid marathoner with more than 40 marathons completed, I know understand the importance of quality training. As a frequent traveler, I appreciate the complexity of the ever-evolving travel world. I hope I can help develop your fitness and travel plans in a stress-free and efficient manner. 

Oral Health and Wellness Specialist

Hello! I am excited to be a part of the team! As a dental hygienist and avid marathon runner, I have a diverse experience with the importance of healthy living and training. I help provide consultation services to schools, nursing houses, and community centers on oral health as well as training plans for runners.

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